Most Common Templating Languages To Use Instead of HTML

The choice of a templating language depends on numerous factors, including your specific use case, the programming language you are using, and personal preferences. However, some templating languages are more widely recommended and used in the web development community due to their features, community support, and popularity. Here are a few templating languages that are often recommended:

Pug (formerly known as Jade)

Pug is a concise and elegant templating language that compiles to HTML. It uses indentation and a minimalistic syntax, which can help reduce typing and improve readability.


  • Concise and Readable Syntax: Pug uses indentation and a minimalistic syntax, which makes it more concise and easier to read than traditional HTML. It reduces the need for closing tags and boilerplate code, leading to cleaner templates.
  • Efficient Development: Pug can speed up the development process by reducing the amount of code you need to write. This can be particularly beneficial for large-scale web applications.
  • Code Reusability: Pug supports mixins and includes, allowing you to create reusable components. This promotes a modular and organized approach to web development.
  • Strictly Enforced Syntax: Pug enforces strict indentation rules, which can help maintain consistent code formatting and reduce syntax errors.
  • Integration with Express.js: Pug is commonly used with the Express.js framework for building web applications in Node.js. This integration streamlines server-side rendering.
  • Support for Template Inheritance: Pug supports template inheritance, which enables you to create a base template and extend it in child templates. This is useful for creating consistent layouts across a website.


  • Learning Curve: Pug’s indentation-based syntax may be unfamiliar to developers who are used to traditional HTML. Learning Pug may take some time, especially for beginners.
  • Compatibility: Pug is not supported by all web development tools and content management systems. It may not be the best choice if you need to work with platforms that only support HTML.
  • Debugging Challenges: Indentation errors can be difficult to identify and fix, especially in larger templates. Debugging Pug templates may be less straightforward than debugging HTML.
  • Integration Limitations: While Pug is widely used in the Node.js ecosystem, it may not be the best choice for all server-side and client-side rendering use cases. Compatibility with various frameworks and platforms can be limited.
  • Maintainability for Large Templates: While Pug can make templates more concise, it can also lead to overly long lines in large templates, which may decrease readability and maintainability.


Handlebars is a logic-less templating engine that uses placeholders and expressions enclosed in double curly braces to insert dynamic content. It is well-suited for client-side rendering and server-side applications.


  • Simplicity: Handlebars has a straightforward and easy-to-understand syntax. It’s based on double curly braces ({{}}) for placeholders and expressions, making it simple for developers to work with.
  • Logic-Less: Handlebars is a logic-less templating engine, which means it focuses on the presentation layer without allowing complex programming logic within templates. This promotes a clear separation of concerns between the template and the data.
  • Wide Adoption: Handlebars has gained popularity and has a strong developer community. It’s supported in many programming languages and web development frameworks, making it a versatile choice for a range of projects.
  • Custom Helpers: Handlebars allows you to define custom helpers, which are functions that extend the templating engine’s capabilities. This makes it easy to add custom logic or formatting to your templates.
  • Client-Side and Server-Side Usage: Handlebars can be used on both the client-side and server-side. This flexibility is advantageous for applications that require dynamic content generation on both ends.
  • Performance: Handlebars templates are compiled into JavaScript functions, which can result in good performance. The compiled templates can be cached for faster rendering.


  • Limited Logic: While the logic-less nature of Handlebars can be an advantage, it can also be a limitation. If you need to include complex conditional statements, loops, or other programming logic in your templates, Handlebars may not be the best choice.
  • No Inherent Data Fetching: Handlebars does not include a built-in mechanism for fetching data. You’ll need to use it in combination with a backend framework or libraries to retrieve and pass data to the templates.
  • Verbose for Complex Logic: In some cases, complex logic or transformations in templates can lead to verbose code. While custom helpers can mitigate this, they may not always provide the most elegant solution.
  • Less Features for Complex UIs: If your application requires a high degree of interactivity and complex user interfaces, Handlebars may be less suitable compared to full-featured front-end frameworks like React or Angular.
  • Integration Challenges: While Handlebars can be integrated into many web development stacks, you may encounter some challenges when trying to fit it into specific environments or with specific tools.

EJS (Embedded JavaScript)

Description: EJS allows you to embed JavaScript code within your HTML templates to generate dynamic content. It is commonly used in Node.js-based applications.


  • Familiar Syntax: EJS uses a syntax that closely resembles traditional HTML. Developers who are familiar with HTML will find it easy to learn and use.
  • JavaScript Integration: EJS seamlessly integrates JavaScript into templates, allowing you to embed JavaScript code for dynamic data rendering. This makes it versatile and suitable for a wide range of use cases.
  • Conditional Statements and Loops: EJS supports conditional statements and loops, which enables you to create dynamic content and iterate over data. This is especially useful for rendering lists and performing data-driven operations.
  • Partial Templates: EJS supports the use of partial templates, which allows you to break down complex pages into smaller, reusable components. This promotes modularity and maintainability.
  • Client-Side and Server-Side Usage: EJS can be used on both the client-side and server-side. This flexibility is advantageous for applications that require dynamic content generation in different contexts.
  • Active Community: EJS has an active and supportive community, which means you can find documentation, tutorials, and resources to help with your projects.


  • Scripting in Templates: While the ability to embed JavaScript code is a strength, it can also lead to a potential drawback. Including complex scripting directly within templates can make them less maintainable and harder to read, especially for larger projects.
  • Potential Security Risks: Allowing JavaScript code execution in templates can introduce security risks if not handled carefully. Input sanitization and other security measures are essential when using EJS.
  • Complex Logic in Templates: EJS can handle logic in templates, but it may not be the best choice for complex business logic or extensive programmatic operations. In such cases, a dedicated backend or more robust front-end framework might be a better option.
  • Integration Challenges: EJS may have integration challenges when working with certain frameworks or platforms, as it is not as widely used as some other templating engines.
  • Lack of Rich Features: Compared to full-fledged front-end frameworks like React or Angular, EJS lacks some advanced features for building complex user interfaces and managing state.


Twig is a template engine used in PHP and various other programming languages. It has a clean and secure syntax and is known for its security features.


  1. Security: Twig is designed with security in mind. It automatically escapes output, reducing the risk of cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities, and enforces best practices for secure template design.
  2. Clean and Readable Syntax: Twig uses a simple, easy-to-read syntax that closely resembles HTML. Developers, especially those familiar with HTML, find it intuitive and quick to learn.
  3. Template Inheritance: Twig supports template inheritance, allowing you to create a base template and extend it in child templates. This promotes code reusability and consistency in the layout of web pages.
  4. Custom Filters and Functions: Twig allows you to create custom filters and functions, which can be helpful for adding custom logic or data formatting to templates.
  5. Auto-Escaping: Twig provides automatic escaping of output, which reduces the risk of displaying potentially harmful content in your templates.
  6. Performance: Twig compiles templates into PHP code, and the compiled templates can be cached. This compilation process can result in good performance.
  7. Extensibility: Twig is extensible and supports extensions and custom tags, enabling you to adapt it to your specific needs.


  1. Learning Curve: While Twig is relatively easy to learn, it may still pose a learning curve for developers who are new to templating engines or who are transitioning from plain HTML.
  2. Less Control: For developers who want to have more direct control over their templates or who need to perform complex programming logic within templates, Twig’s separation of concerns may feel limiting.
  3. Not Suitable for JavaScript: Twig is designed for server-side rendering and is not suitable for client-side rendering or building complex user interfaces with JavaScript-driven functionality. Other front-end frameworks like React or Angular are better suited for such purposes.
  4. Integration Challenges: If you’re working with frameworks or platforms that don’t natively support Twig, integration might be more challenging. Twig is not as universally recognized as some other templating engines.
  5. Performance for Complex Templates: While Twig provides good performance for typical use cases, extremely complex templates with many variables and logic can impact rendering speed.


Mustache is a logic-less template syntax that is available in various programming languages. It promotes a clear separation of concerns and is known for its simplicity.


  1. Simplicity: Mustache has a very simple and intuitive syntax, making it easy to learn and understand. This simplicity is particularly beneficial for teams with varying levels of technical expertise.
  2. Logic-Less: Mustache’s logic-less nature enforces a clear separation of concerns between the data and the presentation. It encourages best practices for keeping business logic out of templates.
  3. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Mustache templates are available in multiple programming languages, making it a portable choice for generating content across different parts of a web application.
  4. Security: Mustache templates are inherently secure, as they do not allow the execution of arbitrary code. This reduces the risk of cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.
  5. Template Reusability: Mustache allows you to define and reuse templates. You can create templates for common elements and reuse them throughout your application.
  6. Consistency: Mustache enforces consistency in template design and structure, promoting a standardized approach to presentation.


  1. Limited Expressiveness: The logic-less nature of Mustache means it lacks the ability to perform complex conditional operations, loops, and other advanced programming logic within templates. This can make it less suitable for complex UIs.
  2. Reduced Flexibility: The strict separation of concerns may lead to less flexibility in some cases. If you need to perform complex transformations or calculations within your templates, Mustache may not be the best choice.
  3. Client-Side Rendering Challenges: For applications that require extensive client-side rendering and interactivity, Mustache may not be as suitable as full-fledged front-end frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.
  4. Template Inefficiency: Mustache templates may not always be the most efficient way to render content, especially when dealing with complex templates or large datasets.
  5. Limited Features: Mustache does not offer some of the advanced features found in more feature-rich templating engines, which can be limiting in certain scenarios.

These templating languages are widely recommended and used in web development due to their strengths and the strong communities supporting them. Your choice should be based on your specific project requirements, the technology stack you are using, and your own familiarity and comfort with the syntax and features of the templating language.