Extract Jobs/Build Metadata From Jenkins

Jenkins, the superstar of open-source automation servers, is your go-to for seamlessly building, testing, and deploying software projects. This trusty tool is all about making your life easier in the software development journey. Think of it as your automation sidekick, handling everything from code building to test runs and app deployments. With Jenkins by your side, you’ll breeze through development, thanks to its magical abilities to automate those repetitive tasks and supercharge your Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) game. 🚀

my daily work revolves around the dynamic trio of Python, SQL, and Jenkins. As time marches on, we’ve gathered a sprawling army of jobs that require some periodic pruning to keep our digital workspace as neat as a pin. So, I’m happy to drop a nifty script below that just might be your secret weapon for quickly surveying your Jenkins Jobs. It was a great help to me, so I hope it’ll sprinkle a bit of magic into your workday too!
